De Beers Helps Employees With HIV & AIDS

You might associate mining with certain health risks. However, you might be surprised to know that one of the biggest health issues tackled by the De Beers Group is HIV and AIDS.The majority of De Beers employees work in Africa which is an area that is very heavily affected by AIDS. De Beers recognizes that helping to fight the spread of AIDS helps their employees on a personal level but it also makes sense from a business standpoint.

De Beers divides their HIV/AIDS program into the three parts: saving lives, living with HIV/AIDS and minimizing the economic impact of HIV and AIDS. De Beers offers to its employees education on safer sexual practices and explains exactly what HIV and AIDS is and how it can be prevented. They set up testing and counseling sites at all of their mines. The employees aren’t forced to be tested, but encouraged through a “Know Your Status” program.

De Beers not only provides education to their employees but offers services to employees that do test HIV+ or have AIDS. They offer both the employee and their spouse or life partner medical treatment. They work to minimize the impact the HIV/AIDS has on the employee’s life. They also have strict policies regarding non-discrimination and confidentiality.

De Beers also works hard to control the spread of tuberculosis which can be fatal in someone with HIV or AIDS.

The programs run by De Beers will help to ensure that HIV/AIDS does not have weaken the economic status of the region. More importantly, it will also help its many employees live better quality lives.
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